If time is money, every minute you spend away from your desk is a cost to your company. Avoiding long lines at check-in desks, lengthy security checks, delayed flights, and overnight stops; these are just some examples of saving time when flying privately. The greater flexibility of on-demand charters means if your meeting takes longer – the aircraft will be waiting for you. If your site visit finishes early – you will get home sooner than expected.
Good communication is essential in business. Many aircraft are available with on-board multimedia facilities such as a fax machine, satellite phone, and internet and ample space to conduct business meetings.
Chartering an aircraft could also cost a lot less than you expect, considering the time spent away from the office, expensive hotel bills, and entertainment.
Private aircraft chartering is a common choice for the discerning traveler. Whether you plan a weekend away in the Seychelles, a break in the French Alps, or a multi-destination trip, chartering an aircraft provides luxury and uncompromising cabin comfort.
Relax in the tranquillity of a private aircraft and immerse yourself in first-class cuisine, from gourmet meals and fine wine to tailored menus for specific dietary or religious requirements. With vast multimedia resources, fully reclinable seats, and lie-flat beds on the majority of all larger aircraft, you can expect a superior level of on-board comfort.